el chino antrax wife

You ain't one to talk. Authorities said he rose through the ranks as a bodyguard in the enforcement cell named after the deadly disease. El Chino ntrax es del signo de Geminis. [1][2][3] Archiga Gamboa began to work for the Sinaloa Cartel as a bodyguard of Vicente Zambada Niebla (alias "El Vicentillo"), son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, until 2008. . Need answers. Quines son "Los ntrax"? El grupo de sicarios liderado por "El Chino Soon cds will be history jajajaja, Cds will always exist as long as drugs are illegal, Oh, now she was dismembered, why even do that anymore, its almost cliche and passe and is probably more trouble than its worth. Hallan cadver de la presunta novia de 'El Chino Antrax' - Exclsior THE AFO work with more brains than before in the the past they would of just put 4000 bullets now they use intelligence la patrona is something first chinita gets caught and then all cds top level people get caught then chapo looks more pissed off than a kid not getting a toy when he got cuffed but this could of got avoided if senor francisco arellano didnt get killled when the peace was made really who callls the shot in the BAJA THINK ABOUT IT ALL THIS HAPPENED WHEN FRANCISCO GOT KILLED also they found more then 40 diffrent cemen in antrax wife, AFO is the weakest cartel, actually they're more like a street gang than a cartel. I figured they'd rape and torture her for weeks. you know, it is free to be considerate, and respectful, even if you lead a desperate and lonely life, full of regrets for having done that with your priest, and resentment against everyone else, be kind and nice, nobody cares either way anyway, see you around, mini-anibal lecter Ladies, This would not have happened if she had dated a nice Zeta gentleman. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The Sinaloa Attorney General's Office has identified the body as that of Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, a reputed drug trafficker and hitman who skipped probation in San Diego . The killing of Turks is a step in that direction. CULIACN, Sinaloa, 8 de mayo.-. Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa - Wikipedia I have alot of respect for that guy with the Durango because at least he earned it through hard work unlike these Narco freeloaders that rape and kill defenseless woman!!! When Arechiga now known as "El Chino Antrax" or Chinese Anthrax was arrested in 2013, San Diego's then-U.S. attorney called him . Claudia Ochoa Felix, known as the Empress of Los Antrax. Nummer 2 - 2018; Nummer 1 - 2018; 2017. They planned to have los anthrax bosses and chino anthrax extradited to the netherlands and handed over to the u.s to help his safety bc El chapo was and is aware he was working with officials overseas. Uno de los ms emblemticos y sanguinarios narcos de la faccin de Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, del Cartel de Sinaloa . A third son was arrested a month before Arechiga. On 3 January 2014, theNetherlands Ministry of Security and Justiceand the Mexican Embassy in the country confirmed that a 33-year-old Mexican citizen had been arrested by the Dutch police as he arrived from Latin America toAmsterdam Airport Schipholin the Netherlands using a false name on 30 December 2013. [27][28] Although he always blurred his face in his social media pictures, in most of them he was shown wearing the skull shaped diamond ring, in reference to Los ntrax, as a form of signature. Claudia Ochoa Felix: 'Anthrax Empress' Instagram Star Found Dead El 3 de marzo de 2020, Archiga Gamboa fue liberado bajo supervisin, segn documentos del tribunal. I would like to be able to work honestly.. Among the first gang leaders to die was Redel Castro (alias "El Pocho ntrax"), who was killed in a massive shootout in June 2010 with rival members of the Beltrn Leyva Cartel in Tubutama, Sonora. The lawsuit accuses the diocese of violating terms of the insurance policies and argues the company should not have to pay any sex-abuse claims. la barbie gave bus fare to the girlfriend of the man that went to kill him, and sent her home, other mafiosos have shown that real men do not mess with women or children of anybody else, hijos de la chingada, don't respect their own mothers, much less other women, no matter what. and when chino got buster started running around with ivan [chino fucked his wife and half of culiacan too]. chino_.antrax. El Chapo, the longtime head of the sprawling Sinaloa drug cartel, is currently serving life plus 30 years in a supermax prison in Colorado. Tan intrigante como su supuesto fallecimiento fue la forma en que 'Chino Antrax' burl a las autoridades estadounidenses para fugarse de prisin domiciliaria.El pasado seis de mayo, dos . 8,946 followers. Culiacan Body of Yuriana Castillo Torres found tortured/murdered/hands and feet tied/wrapped in sheet, after being kidnapped the day before. They know from the outset that their boyfriends/husbands are murderers, and they couldn't care less, because they're going to drive nice cares, live in nice houses and have expensive clothes and jewelry. On March 3, 2020, he was released and placed on house arrest. Don't know if this is true or you just have a good imagination.But anyways,what did this have to do with the girl?Its doudtful that they would kill her(and the way she was killed)because he did all this.And if she wasn't main girl.Wouldn't they go after his wife and kids to really make him suffer.just my thoughts.But of you really know something about something,let us know,anonymously of course.peace!! A woman named Yuriana Castillo Torres had ties to the drug trade. That wasn't even his wife but he does have a daughter w her. Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, otherwise known as 'El Chino Antrax,' was arrested at Amsterdam's Airport Schiphol after he arrived on a flight from South America under a false name last Tuesday. Murder squad leader who once worked for El Chapo is found shot dead No tena ningun balazo la morra. Chino was gun battled for 4 days back to back, they say he whacked 20-30 men by him self after the night before they had sent 50 trucks of dudes to finish him. So get your heads out of your asses, false caballeros. Sinaloa Hitman's Killing in Mexico Hints at Cartel Power Play Mexican media reports cited by the Union-Tribune indicate that three people were allegedly kidnapped Friday in a hail of bullets from a home linked to Gamboas sister. There's no hope for the kids, either. CDS ain't going to disapear , the structure is like a business CEO's get replaced all the time and the company still keeps going . September 20, 2019 8:09am. He was then called to oversee the plaza (turf) of Culiacn, the center of operations of Los ntrax and the city where the Zambada family reportedly resided. And they'll all still be under 25 when he's released. Arechiga formed close bonds with the Zambada boys. Aprendan que si quieren andar en ese negocio tienen que tener un perfil bajo. Give the bitch a fucking Louis Vuitton coffin.-Mike Haggar-Mike Haggar. He sought shelter at his sister's place where they were attacked by Sinaloa cartel hitmen. The next day police in the town of Ayune, Sinaloa, discovered a black SUV with 3 dead bodies inside - one of the bodies was later identified as Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa. Who Is El Chino Antrax Wife? Everything We Know About The Mexican Drug Zambada is wanted on a drug conspiracy indictment filed in San Diego, as well as two of his four sons. He was shot dead and wrapped in cloth, his head was covered with a black plastic bag. According to officials, Archiga Gamboa traveled with the fake name of Norberto Sicairos Garca; at the time of his arrest, he was carrying an iPhone 5, a Blackberry Bold, three airplane tickets, credit cards from Visa and MasterCard from Banamex, and a Mexican drivers license. Mxico.- Rafael Guadalupe Flix, alias "El Changuito", lder de Los ntrax, supuesto sucesor de Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, "El Chino ntrax", fue detenido por el ao 2014 en Culiacn . Weak like a cup of warm p*ss! Delete. Wat dnt these cds wannabees understand?let me. Upon his arrest, he was sent to the Vught maximum-security prison. So thats what happens whenever you just see one shoe on the side of the road, I wonder if its still there? What happened to the Sinaloan credo of respecting women, children and the elderly? Hace casi dos semanas, el asesino del crtel de Sinaloa - que alguna vez tuvo un alto rango- conocido como "El Chino ntrax", se convirti nuevamente en un hombre buscado al desaparecer de . Maybe next they will target CDS's biggest turncoat Vicente Zambada Niebla's family. In the plea agreement, he admitted belonging to the cartel since 2005 and eventually overseeing a number of the organizations responsibilities. Chino Antrax, Ada Jimena . So tell me again white knight why I should give a fuck about this heartless narco groupie where getting her comeuppance ? When he was alive, El Chino Antrax was the top enforcer for the Sinaloa Cartel and leader of the Antrax gunmen loyal to El Mayo Zambada. Arechigas arrest was part of a massive two-year investigation into the leadership of the Sinaloa cartel, headed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. & no cavalry to come to the rescue. Arechigas wife wrote in a letter to the court that getting married so young and starting a family I believe is what forced Rodrigo to look for other options to provide for us. The options were more prosperous, she said, adding I cant explain it to you because it was a conversation we never talked about.. May 9, 2014 at 5:21 PM dude pretty much said his friend worked at the coroner and that she had burnt marks, got hit with maybe a bat, had no bullet wounds and had a disfigured ass. It could also be a warning to Chino ntrax to keep his mouth shut. Eso les pasa por andar enseando lo que tienen y fotos de ustedes. The next day police in the town of Ayune, Sinaloa, discovered a black SUV with 3 dead bodies inside one of the bodies was later identified as Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa. "La 69" features a catchy enough tune: some evocative Spanish guitar licks set against a backdrop of head-bobbing corr. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Mexico is a beautiful country full of genuinely fantastic people, but the narco bullshit is a joke. Karma doesn't forget. -El Nemesis. Fuck cds hope they keep bleeding they should not stop until they're all exterminated there in snitchaloa. @ 5:19 your proud that you have a sorry ass durango lmao , you are a joke learn how to spell and type dumbshit. Post-mortem reports showed that Castillo Torres had been tortured, received several blows to the head and that her hands and legs were tied with an electric cable. .And apparently Chino is in the U.S. already. She just got murdered, and now her kids will have to grow up without a mother! Snitch-bitches (low level criminal brown-nosing sycophants) are the dumbest of the dumb and never understand this and are usually the first to go, if they envolved. CDS is bleeding and the bleeding needs to stop. He pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges in 2015 and reportedly began to cooperate with authorities. The zambadas on the other hand!!! When he is released, he hopes to work in construction and home remodeling. Gamboas whereabouts were a mystery since May 6, when a US probation officer in San Diego went to his new home for a scheduled check-in and discovered that he was missing, as were all his belongings, except for a cellphone. Nasty arse troll with no life. she was killed because ivan guzman was also fucking her. His next court appearance was scheduled for 21 November 2014. Agreed CDS needs to bleed out all the way. [44] On 10 July 2014, he was extradited from Amsterdam to the U.S., where he arrived at the San Diego International Airport at around 2:00p.m. under tight security by the DEA and the U.S. El detenido era conocido como El Chino ntrax, un importante operador de Ismael El Mayo . Did El Chino Anthrax's Instagram feed lead to his arrest? This is how they found dead the number 1 murderer of 'El Chapo', the [10] In November of that year, Francisco Arce Rubio (alias "Pancho Arce"), another high-ranking gang leader close to El Chino ntrax, was killed during an indoor soccer game in Culiacn by rival gangsters of Los Mazatlecos. It is the only Swiss label to have made it to the wrists of two generations of the world's most notorious drug lords, from Pablo Escobar to the Guzmns. ", "Holanda confirma captura de narco mexicano", "Detienen en Holanda a sicario del crtel de Sinaloa", "Estados Unidos pidi a Holanda la detencin del Chino ntrax", "Detienen a presunto lder de Los ntrax en Holanda", "Aceptan extraditar a 'Chino Antrax' a EU", "Sinaloa drug cartel leader 'Chino Antrax' extradited to California", "El Chino ntrax sicario de El Mayo Zambada fue detenido en Holanda", "El Chino Antrax Arrested: Cartel Leader Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa To Be Extradited To US", "Pide EU extradicin de supuesto sicario del Chapo Guzmn", "Treasury Continues Targeting Sinaloa Cartel Leader Ismael Zambada Garcia", "Definen el 29 de mayo si 'El Chino Antrax' es extraditado a EU", "Suspected Sinaloa Cartel Leader Arrives in San Diego", "Disguises failed for reputed cartel leader", "Accused Leader in Sinaloa Cartel Pleads Not Guilty", "Comparece por segunda vez el 'El Chino ntrax' en EU", "EU culpa a "Chino ntrax" de 50 cargamentos de droga", "Fijan audiencia a sicario del crtel de Sinaloa hasta marzo", "Sinaloa cartel enforcer 'Chino Antrax' pleads guilty in US", "He grew up with the Sinaloa cartel next door and became 'El Chino Antrax', "One-time leader of Sinaloa cartel hit-squad vanishes from probation", "Sinaloa Hitman's Killing in Mexico Hints at Cartel Power Play", "Privan de la libertad a esposa del Chino Antrax", "Encuentran a mujer asesinada en Culiacn", "Despiden los 'ntrax' a Yuriana Castillo", "Movimiento alterado: cuando el narco sale del clset", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jos_Rodrigo_Archiga_Gamboa&oldid=1140086074, Yuriana Castillo Torres (?2014; her death), This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 10:06. Pancho's death is in relation to el rayos murder back in the 90's payback is a bitch. I think you're the POS since you're willing to let a woman get a pass for doing something a man would get killed for. Replies. My heart aches for the loss. Its not gona keep going for ever. Constantin Sandu, 33, was arrested Wednesday at the Imperial Beach Border Patrol Station on suspicion of stealing $5 million in unemployment insurance benefits during the pandemic. Anonymous May 20, 2014 at 7:19 PM. el komander wife something tells me she wasn't a good mother Y Hermana enojada, sigue tu!! I really can't stand these types of women who hang around the 'badboy' narco's thinking their life will be nothing but money and glamor. How the fuck would u know ? El Chino Antrax ya haba sido amenazado por 'Los Chapitos' debido a que dio informacin de integrantes del Crtel de Sinaloa a agentes de la DEA. [25] Archiga Gamboa also has several narcocorrido ballads about him, some which describe him as an "elegant and fit man" who enjoys his sport cars, yachts, and drinking champagne.

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