lolo soetoro and halliburton - Obama and His Family Tied to CIA for Years otto, Have any of these Richard Craniums even read the 25th Amendment? The former head clown and CNN grifter accuses him of wanting to sell intelligence information for-profit. TC you need to quit incessantly bitching about Trump and work real hard to cement Biden into office. Watch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to his jabs as Weapons. Live Trading Lab; Financial Literacy The provocations and attacks will not end once he leaves the White House. In 1962, Soetoro, then a civilian employee of the Indonesian Army Topographic Service, obtained an East-West Center grant for graduate study in geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Lolo Soetoro Net Worth, Trust Fund, Death, Oil Company, Billionaire, Money Declassify Everything is a GREEEEAT idea! But relations between Dunham and Lolo deteriorated as Obama's stepfather retreated into "some dark and hidden place." Lolo grew despondent because of the government's total control over his life, because of the all-pervasive corruption, because of the need to kowtow to "ugly Americans" with government ties for his livelihood, because of the explanations that an increasingly . Discover short videos related to Lolo soetoro on TikTok. So when George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford Administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business Lolo Soetoro and pulled off the hits. Grosss firm, JBDC, was subcontracted to DAI for the civil society work in Cuba. Man-Cave, Home Office or Cabin Salary 2020 Not known Biography Timeline 1962 Soetoro earned his bachelor's degree in geography from Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta. No one paid the price. Childhood Ghosts of Indonesian Genocide Haunt Obama's View of Regime oh, what joy I would feel. Trump of his powers. The truck that struck their automobile was bought with USAID funds and bore a U.S. embassy license plate. Contents Thicker than blood judge joe brown on lolo soetoro barack obama aka barry soetoro Lolo Soetoro Bush operative in Indonesia. Barry Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro and, by virtue of that adoption, was registered as Barry Soetoro in Hawaii. President Obamas mother, Ann Dunham Sutoro, worked for DAI in Java. In 2005, right-wing Colombian President Alvaro Uribe stunned his audience by announcing that former Venezuelan military officers planned their coup against Chavez from Colombia. The truth is coming out about the Pfizer jabs .. unfortunately a bit too late as more than half of the global population have taken these shots .. many were warned yet chose to ignore the many warnings they had. It didnt take long for this distinct possibility to attract the attention of both the mainstream media and the intelligence establishment which has so long been at odds (or even at war) with the president. Let this be our last warning! Obama went on to work for a group in the 80s called the Developing Communities Project, all of which was inspired by Allansky. Why did they ignore it?, Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) November 10, 2020. In fact it might be laziness to assume one has the Truth in such matters as much is hidden, even from those in the know. The question should be what does the fraud and usurper aka barack hussein obama have on Chief Justice John Roberts because he is the one who swore berry soetoro aka barack hussein obam into office TWICE ! Sokoine was the designated successor to President Julius Nyerere, who antagonized the CIA by his close ties with the Soviet Union and China. The paper. Move to Indonesia. Without the Deep State there IS no US government. In 2009, Susan Tsvangirai, the wife of Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, was killed in an automobile accident in which the Prime Minister was injured. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Easy. Look at all the big banks and the money laundering. usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama ! He asserted that despite Biden preparing to transition into the White House on inauguration day, still two months away, at this point Trump is a threat to national security: Im very concerned what he might do in his remaining 70 days in office, said Brennan on Mondays edition of Cuomo Prime Time. Browns assertion was corroborated by Juan OSavin, a QAnon researcher. Lolo's full name is Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo. With everyone is focused on #obamagate and the upcoming 2020 Election we've decided to share some kinda secret Obama / Bush Family History.Enjoy!Instagram.. -----------------------------------------------------, Mail to: What kind of dirt does the fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama have on the entire US Congress and US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts ? All of the aforementioned mentors along with their corruption all occurred prior to Obama even reaching the Senate. Custom Union Designs on Request 1 Early life and education; 2 Marriage to Ann Dunham; 3 Later life; 4 Notes; 5 References We cant let the bad actors get away with it.. Inflation Revisited Less is More MPs Misinformation? In 1999, Croatian media reported that USAID was working through various NGOs, some connected to Soros, to oust the ailing Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. Lolo Soetoro's age was 52 years old when died on March 2, 1987. Reacting specifically to the ouster of Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, ex-CIA spy chief under the Obama administration John Brennan essentially urged a palace coup against Trump prior to January 20th to ensure he doesnt declassify anything sensitive or too revealing: Pres. Barack Obama Net Worth - The Success Bug And of course, no evidence the CIA imported drugs. Im convinced that Brennan 1) scrubbed Obamas college travel records 2) was involved in Obamas fake birth certificates 3) helped blackmail John Roberts on Obamacare and 4) dreamed up the plot to spy on Trump starting with FISA warrants and the two hop methodology. If this is the same Judge Joe Brown that is from Memphrica, he is so full of BS that his eyes are brown, skin too. Trump should declassify the nuke-codes also. Bolivian President Evo Morales tossed USAID out of his country, charging it with acting with the CIA to destabilize Bolivia and bring about a coup. Lives gone either through the rabbit-hole of addiction, or jail. Lolo Soetoro Net Worth lest we forget, at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical; from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is known where mythology leaves off and history begins, or which is which?) The Palestinian press reported that the information, including personal political opinions of NGO members, was to be turned over to the CIA and eventually, Mossad, to apply pressure on the NGOs to comply with U.S. and Israeli policies. We're going to look at a few pages from Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro's alleged passport files, which were released under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. 2 /5. Mike Ruppert was exposing it but he got into the oil far more than the drugs. Lolo Soetoro Bio, Early Life, Career, Net Worth and Salary OSavin said during an interview that was posted on YouTube on July 28, 2019 (see source 5) that Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines was a CIA asset. Lolo Soetoro whose full name is Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo was a renowned Indonesian who was the stepfather of former president Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. Or Egypt for that matter. The war on drugs was ramped up, jail sentences increased. Some 40,000 ZunZuneo users in Cuba mistakenly believed their messages were private, when, in fact, they were recorded by USAID, which likely turned them over to the National Security Agency (NSA) for analysis and database archival. Viet Nam was more of the same, ditto Iran-Contra. In 2009, the Pakistani press reported that USAID was bypassing the Pakistan ministries of Education and Information and providing direct educational assistance to Pakistani students. Entire generations of people lived with some or all of their family lost to addiction, gang violence, and jail. Soetoro has two daughters from her Moors Flag. Halliburton Look-Ahead Resistivity measurements revealing structure and fluid boundaries to enable proactive drilling decisions. This Clown Berry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama cant produce a LEGAL US BIRTH CERTIFICATE ! The only thing that amazes me anymore is realizing just how pervasive and deep the corruption in the Federal Government goes. They work very actively. Akayeva said there were rumors in Kyrgyzstan that the U.S.-backed coup plotters distributed narcotics to rioters who participated in the coup. Watching libfuks in panic mode on teevee hopefully, we get to see lots of crying and terror . The geologist and author was born in 1958 in Bandung, Indonesia. Lolo Soetoro - Brennan is an evil mother fucker without a whit of conscience and yet he tries to take some kind of moral high ground. Similarly, during the Reagan administration, USAID money was funneled through the National Endowment for Democracy to the Nicaraguan contras, again in violation of a specific law prohibiting such assistance. Pentagon finally confirms near total decapitation of civilian leadership in the last 24 hours. When Honduran President Manuel Zelaya raised the minimum wage in his country, the CIA and Southern Command arranged for a military coup to remove him. Its like Bill Hicks said once you get elected president, they bring you down to the basement and show you the JFK assassination from an angle never seen before and then say any questions?. Obama later found a mentor in Reverend Jeremiah Wright a former Muslim and born again Christian. John Brennan calls on VP Pence and the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and strip Pres. Obama's mother met and remarried Lolo Soetoro, Obama's new stepfather. Move to Indonesia | Barack Obama Presidential Library Especially when they are afraid of going to prison. Lolo: Directed by Julie Delpy. Sokoine created a number of enemies among theelite classwhen he ordered the assets of embezzlers and smugglers seized. It is almost as if, at peak confidence in victory, the tables will turn. Other USAID money ended uppaying forexpensive automobiles for leading Afghan mujaheddin commanders in Pakistan. He is mainly famous for being the stepfather of Barack Obama. These cookies do not store any personal information., ?? Perhaps due to the fact that the company he worked for ACORN- The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now have in fact embezzled around $5million from the community organization, completely abusing public trust. lolo soetoro and halliburtonkids baking championship where are they now. Restored Republic Via a Gcr: Update As of Wednesday 15 February 2023 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Trump walked away from a billionaire lifestyle to become president while refusing a salary. So, Obama was groomed and put in this position by none other than the Bushes! . They are controlled opposition. ^ This. lolo soetoro and halliburton President Barack Obama. In 1971, Obama returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents. I was raised in the town where Earl Halliburton started Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Company, so it was Not HW! Lolo Soetoro (Barack Obama's Stepfather) ~ Wiki & Bio with Photos | Videos Your email address will not be published. The inside thing is thats supposed to be the same kind of candy he used to give her husband when he was six, seven, eight years old.. Of course, the Antifas would be rioting. 23x40 - 26x48 - 33x60 - Custom Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. Another group founded by Ayers was the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to reform public schools and he hired none other than Mr. Obama as the Chairman. (1 Vote) Very easy. Donate Online: send a money order to the following address:Attn: Ron Herd IIThe W.E. He married Erna Dunham in 1970 and they have two kids together. I certainly cant remember any president constantly crying about being treated unfairly in DC like this guy, thats for sure. If you ripped all of the communists out of the US government, DC would be a ghost town overnight. Soetoro and Dunham married in Hawaii in 1965. He was and is a traitor to this country and all we stood for. Days ago amid the Trump administrations election challenge turmoil which has resulted in over adozen lawsuits filedin several battleground states, Donald Trump Jr. urged the president to unleash the nuclear option:DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!! He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at Union Oil Company. The pair met while studying at the University of Hawaii. But thankfully few actually in power are likely to listen to John Brennan, given his sour grapes andanger at Trump has clearly long been personal. With Matt, the group has released several albums like PTX Presents: Top Pop, Vol. Not only was Obama funded by dodgy Lebanese developers, he was heavily funded by George Soros, no further comments necessary for that particular donor. Tanah Kusir Cemetery. (It really got started with the East India company but that is a story for another time.) Trump doesnt make that net. WMR has reported on many such cases over the years: While USAID was moving into Indonesia in 1965, USAID contractors flying for the CIA airline, Air America, were dropping off weapons and picking up drugs in Laos and dropping off the contraband in Thailand and South Vietnam. Son of Soewarno Martodihardjo and [mother unknown] Brother of Supoyo Martodihardjo. Lolo Soetoro's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $308334259 in 2023, according to the users of vipfaq. Why would we take the advice about palace coups from a man who failed in his own palace coup? (@3days3nights) November 11, 2020. Being blind is one thing..choosing not to see is another thing altogether. There would be records of his repatriation. Obamas grandmother handled Marcos finances in the U.S. when the Filipino President was ousted. Our new acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. Lolo Soetoro (1935-1987) - Find a Grave Memorial Died 2 March 1987 (aged 52) Jakarta, Indonesia. tn DAI has a long history in supporting CIA operations. I mean, even some of the richest people in America dont make that, why? Lolo Soetoro FAQs 2023- Facts, Rumors and the latest Gossip. - vipfaq In 2000, the offices moved to the Makati district of the city but the building that housed USAID was always known to locals as the CIA building. The building, owned by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation, in honor of the Philippines President who died in a 1955 plane crash, was built in 1959 with a loan from the Rockefeller family. Lolo Soetoro Net Worth At Death 2023 - Vim Buzz A.L.L. Lolo Soetoro - Wikipedia, Praying Medic (@prayingmedic) November 11, 2020, We were alerted that patriot Kash Patel would be a name to remember over two years ago. USAID and its contractors were heavily involved with anti-Chavez-activities in Colombia at the time of the 2002 coup. Lolo Soetoro Biography | Integrity is non-existent in the government today and the fossils who have fed at the federal trough for decades continue to do so while covering up for their masters. Authorized Halliburton VPN Users MUST use Pulse Secure VPN client to access the network. "There was talk of him [Soetoro] being a CIA asset," Scoon interjected. DREAMS OF MY FATHER book of bogus truths by Barrack Obama. Obamagate, will be brushed over, but not by alternative media. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required). Obama was radically inspired by a book he reads called Rules for Radicals a book written by Saul Allansky a Neo Marxist. I wonder how much above his income is Brennans lifestyle? These people are worried because the things they did had ZERO to do with the actual safety and security of American Citizens and everything to do with spying on us, spying on allies, meddling in other countries elections, lying about WMDs, meddling in our elections, and spying on an incoming administration.

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