effect of microwave on human body ppt

It has been reported that microwave radiation can decrease both the number and the density of dendritic spines [63]. Studies have extensively explored the underlying mechanisms by which microwaves influence learning and memory functions, especially synaptic structures and functions, oxidative stress and apoptosis, protein synthesis, genes and individual susceptibility and energy metabolism. Abnormality of synaptic vesicular associated proteins in cerebral cortex and hippocampus after microwave exposure. 2017;326:291. Instead, the effects of exposure of hu-mans and other life forms must be deter-mined and used to set realistic permissi-ble exposure limits. In 43% of devices, military personnel are not exposed to an electromagnetic field. Synaptic vesicles form in different parts of neurons and contain high concentrations of substances that are transferred from the neuron. The Dangers of Microwaves and Their Effects on Food - Natural Society J Mol Neurosci. Many adversarial effects on health causes by electromagnetic. 2014:125. [15] assessed the use of mobile and cordless phones in 347 cases of melanoma in the head and neck region and 1184 controls and found no increased risk. Reactive oxygen species act through p38 MAPK to limit the lifespan of hematopoietic stem cells. Bioelectromagnetics. [21, 22] found a higher incidence of brain cancer in radar technicians and a shortened incubation period (i.e., less than 10years). The effect of Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves in unimodal and multimodal object recognition tasks in male rats. However, impaired learning and memory were only observed in males. Int J Radiat Biol. 2006;79:13140. J Electromagnet Anal. Physiol Behav. Rf and mw radiation hazards - SlideShare Scientific, technical publications in the nuclear field | IAEA Part of Is nuclear respiratory factor 2 a master transcriptional coordinator for all ten nuclear-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunits in neurons? Microwaves are widely used in households, industry, communications, and medical and military buildings, and they provide substantial contributions to the development of human society. CAS The authors found that 2.4GHz microwave radiation reduced the expression of some miRNAs such as miR-106b-5p and miR-107 [98]. One reason for this difference may be that the water maze experiment is driven by aversion, whereas the arm maze experiment is driven by appetite. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Wang L, Peng R, Hu X, Gao Y, Wang S, Zhao L, et al. Google Scholar. 2004;996:8996. Radiat Res. Nuclear pyknosis and capillary congestion are also observed. Electromagn Biol Med. The frequencies of these devices are listed in Table1. The increase in M1 receptor gene expression along with the impairment of novel preferences in Wi-Fi-exposed animals may suggest a possible role of the cholinergic system in the detrimental effects of Wi-Fi radiation on multisensory integration [100]. Synapses are special structures that are involved in the transmission of electrochemical signals between neurons in the central nervous system. Eliyahu I, Luria R, Hareuveny R, Margaliot M, Meiran N, Shani G. Effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellular telephones on the cognitive functions of humans. Pathophysiology. 1 GHz and 300 GHz. The relationship between NMDA receptors and microwave induced learning and memory impairment: a long term observation on Wistar rats. The biological effects of radio waves on human body tissues - ResearchGate This phenomenon may be explained by the varied radiation dosage adopted in these studies. JAMA. Aydin D, Feychting M, Schz J, Andersen TV, Poulsen AH, Prochazka M, et al. The above results indicate a positive biological effect of microwave radiation and present a challenge with regard to how people can benefit from microwave radiation. The levels of NMDA receptor subunits were increased 1 month after irradiation. Wang H, Peng R, Zhao L, Wang S, Gao Y, Wang L, et al. Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure. Exposure to microwaves and silencing p-synapsin I reduced the release of GABA, and maximum reduction was achieved when both were combined, indicating a synergistic effect. 2012;25:1828. PDF Electromagnetic Radiation and Human Health: A Review of Sources and Effects Prog Biophys Mol Biol. Morris R. Developments of a water-maze procedure for studying spatial learning in the rat. 2011;107:35661. Verma RK, Sisodia R, Bhatia A. Radioprotective role of Amaranthus Gangeticus Linn. The results suggested that chronic non-modulated, but not modulated, microwave radiation may cause anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors and calcium- and NO-related biochemical changes in the brain [77]. [81] reported a study exploring the influence of mobile phone microwave radiation on oxidative stress and apoptosis in rat brains. [103] found that microwave radiation caused DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks in vivo in populations submitted to occupational exposure, and the incidence of micronuclei in lymphocytes was significantly increased. 2 Researchers have been working. [68] radiated Wistar rats with microwaves (30mW/cm2; SAR value, 14.1W/kg), and then detected the expression of synaptic vesicle-associated proteins and found that synaptophys in I and VAMP-2, which are synaptic fusion proteins, and synaptic vesicle proteins were abnormally expressed to different degrees. Microwave Radiation Effects on Humans - JSTOR Then that poisonous acid harms the kidneys and nervous system. Damage to learning abilities and reduction of glucose utilization in the limbic system of adult rats are closely linked [109]. Numerous mechanisms can activate oxidative stress, including electromagnetic radiation, and thereby cause molecular damage. In the group treated with 0.8W/kg, there was no significant change. However, a recent report [3] published by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) noted that discussions about the thermal and non-thermal effects are misleading. Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health - PubMed 2005;22:32931. Messier C, Durkin T, Mrabet O, Destrade C. Memory-improving action of glucose: indirect evidence for a facilitation of hippocampal acetylcholine synthesis. The microwave will do its intended job of heating and will start to burn (or cook) the skin tissue. Chronic nonmodulated microwave radiations in mice produce anxiety-like and depression-like behaviours and calcium- and NO-related biochemical changes in the brain. 2015;56:2618. PDF What effects do mobile phones have on people's health? 2014;70:84555. Furthermore, the expression of postsynaptic density 95 (PSD-95) in cultured neurons was decreased. Zhang et al. Here's What Would Happen If Your Body Was Microwaved - Grunge.com Biochem J. [84] and Sharma et al. Bioelectromagnetics. 2015;36:4804. Riedel G, Platt B, Micheau J. Glutamate receptor function in learning and memory. Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted from W-CDMA-like mobile phones on sleep in humans. PubMed Central [85] found that protein levels were reduced in rat brains following microwave radiation, which may have been caused by the excessive consumption or a reduction of the synthesis of proteins, and reduced protein synthesis can be caused by the following processes: (1) excessive activation of RNA enzymes; (2) mRNA consumption or the formation and maturation of RNA enzymes. 2011;343:5224. However, these effects were not observed in radial arm maze tests. [38] exposed Wistar rats to a 2.856GHz pulsed microwave field for 6min. However, Li et al. The results demonstrated the ability of electric magnetic field (EMF) to influence plasma melatonin and serotonin concentrations in radar workers. Lai et al. Bioelectromagnetics. Mortazavi S, Tavakkoli-Golpayegani A, Haghani M, Mortazavi S. Looking at the other side of the coin: the search for possible biopositive cognitive effects of the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiofrequency radiation. 2014;8:63. [111] found that the rate of glucose metabolism in the brains of rats was lower after short-term exposure to microwave radiation, and the blood glucose management reduced the damage that was caused by microwave radiation due to the decreased glucose uptake (2.45MHz, 1mW/cm2, continuous radiation for 30 d at 3h/d), as were learning and memory capacity. Neurologic and biochemical findings and CD4/CD8 ratio in people occupationally exposed to RF and microwave. At present, due to a general consensus that the most significant parameter for . Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Erdal ME, Erdal N, Ay OI, Ay ME, et al. Phot J. Finally, Hardell et al. [78] exposed differentiated astroglial cells that were cultured for 14days in vitro to either continuous 900MHz waves or 900MHz waves modulated in amplitude at 50Hz using a sinusoidal wave form and 100% modulation index for 5, 10, or 20min. While microwave oven radiation doesn't cause cancer, it can cause painful burns if you're exposed to them. A large number of studies have shown that microwave radiation can cause a series of adverse reactions in the central nervous system, including sleep disorders in addition to learning and memory impairments. Wang et al. Neurosci Lett. Sci Total Environ. The central nervous system, especially the hippocampus, is highly sensitive to microwave radiation [43, 44]. [39] exposed rats to microwaves (500 pps, pulse width=2s, and average whole body-specific absorption rate (SAR)=0.6W/kg) for an exposure duration of 45min, and a significant decline was observed in the rats performance, indicating that microwave radiation influenced their working memory. Campisi A, Gulino M, Acquaviva R, Bellia P, Raciti G, Grasso R, et al. 1992;6:379. J Neuro-Oncol. Therefore, in this article, we reviewed recent studies that have explored the effects of microwave radiation on the brain, especially the hippocampus, including analyses of epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and the mechanisms underlying brain dysfunction. Synaptic plasticity is a special function of synapses, which play an important role in learning and memory processes [46], including structural and functional plasticity. Glucose is the main energy source and is closely related to brain neurotransmitters and cholesterol synthesis [106]. Szmigielski [23] collected retrospective data for Polish soldiers over 15years and showed that the prevalence of brain cancer was higher in each age group. 2004;155:3743. It is noteworthy that most of the above mentioned studies were based on the theory that the effects caused by microwaves are non-thermal. In contrast, a central injection of a glucose carrier inhibitor induced injury to memories [110]. Koch C, Zador A. 2004;25:4957. This is a Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report assessing the clinical effects of daily exposure to mobile phones in general populations. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Lizio R, Fallani FV, Blinowska K, Verrienti G, et al. 1984;5:6370. It has been proposed that by enhancing the functions of acetylcholine, glucose can increase the concentration of free calcium ions in the synapse to reverse microwave-induced damage to learning and memory. The biological effects of RF energy are proportional to the rate of ener-gy absorption, and the level of absorption varies little with fre-quency. Neuroscience. Vorobyov et al. Mack A, Georg T, Kreis P, Eickholt BJ. Richter et al. Richter ED, Berman T, Ben-Michael E, Laster R, Westin JB. 2005;25:10190201. -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-soxazole propionic acid, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases, Cross-modal visual-tactile object recognition, Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications/telephone, International agency for research on cancer, Miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, Scientific committee on emerging and newly identified health risks. NR2B plays a key role in LTP and was decreased from the 3rd to the 18th month post-treatment, and long-term exposure to high doses of radiation may therefore damage cognitive functions. 2003;140:147. PubMed Many recent studies have reported that microwaves exposure affects EEG results [54,55,56,57]. Effects of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on microRNA expression in brain tissue. Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Aksen F, Bashan M, Buyukbayram H. Does 900 MHZ GSM mobile phone exposure affect rat brain?

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effect of microwave on human body ppt