moon square pluto synastry obsession

You just have to kind of go through it, I think, My moon is in Aries and Saturn in Scorpio, besides its Mars conjunct with my Saturn. Saturn sextile Saturn 2.02 And woman has moon opposite pluto in her natal chart. I met him 10years ago when we were 18. It must be wonderful! Thank you:).Glad to know he feels it this a rare aspect in synastry or is it pretty common?because I dont think I can ever feel the same or be obsessive about more than one person this wayits a crazy obsession,I sleep thinking of him,dream about him,wake up thinking about himI feel like this obsession will be my undoing.neither of us has confessed about being in love.Who is the initiator in this case? Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste I was just wondering if he feels it at all or Im the only one? Or is it because he is still processing the divorce from the mother of his kids? Also, my Pluto in Scorpio conjuncts his Venus / Mars / Mercury / Juno / Psyche. We had been good friends as teens. I also would like to subscribe to your work and learn more as you explain it in a very easy way to understand. The Moon individual might feel like no one has ever been able to connect with them like this before. Thank you! his Venus It signifies our secrets and unconscious. Whew! He thinks am the dangerous one , though I dont know why. Its not only what you need in order to feel emotionally satisfied, its also what your partner is going to receive from you. Help! May I know if in the case of my moon sextiling a guys pluto, will i be the one feeling a mothers love for him? I meant a professional chart. Aldebaran and Betelgeus conj. Learning to channel the powerful emotions generated by your partnering is your next challenge. HELP! Hes very secretive about his feelings; I try to open myself but Im afraid of rejecting him. Angles touching angles gives intimacy. With Moon/Pluto, the hard aspects are different than the easy aspects, too. Do you think you and your guy have telepathic thinking as well? But you also will find yourself becoming uncomfortable with various deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of each other as you learn more about each other. His Mars in my 7 house. Only why do that? Thank you, Love. Lets take a closer look at some of the features of a Moon Square Pluto synastry. My guy and I are both quite Plutonian, and Scorpio is a big part of our Moon-Pluto connections, so this is not only somewhat natural to us, but fiercely desired. Mercury trine Saturn 2.46 Pluto sextile Chiron 1.39 There will arise a lot of out-of-the-blue dramas which all stemmed from the past. My Taurus Moon trines his Capricorn Moon Then slowly I started saying Hi Thanks for posting it, LAP. We also have his Venus/Jupiter sextile my Ascendant (about two degrees each). As the Moon individual becomes more jealous and obsessive over the Pluto individual, the chaos and negative tension of this relationship will only increase. Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit. Love you, too, you cutie! House placements: Pluto sq Moon is putting your passions in a box and they come out another way like in an addiction or in rage. Mercury quincunx Venus 3.58 Its creepy. Venus-Mars- Double conjunction whammy The intense bond created by a Moon Square Pluto synastry is often more than enough to trip all of the brains internal reward centers. Squares can be sexy in a sexyaggressive/passionate kind of way but they can not be resolved so you would need other harmonious aspects so you could communicate. I allow a lot in this moment. I could not do what I do if people did not write to me about their experiences, such as you have. Unfortunately, Pluto is not a personal planet. It's well-deserved. I am a bit afraid of too fast, too much Is it Neptune, is it Pluto, who knows. I love this man with all my heart, but I can not go on with it anymore Im exhausted. I wonder what our companionship and labor relation would be like since theres a lot of Pluto. These fears and experiences will lead to trust issues. Anyway.I will go post the charts..thanks! Moon square North Node 0.62 Pluto Sextile Venus 108 49 I also noticed that the same 4 planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, and Pluto) interact between each other a lot, with different aspects. *Pluto trines moon (double whammy), scorpio/cancer. I have moon conjunct pluto in synastry (3 orbs) with someone. Thank you Xx, thank you very much for the texts and answers, Hi Ami Or do when were not on a time-out with one another, which happens because my emotions (Scorpio) get to be too hot to handle. Yes, each person feels it differently. These are two personalities that are going to collide no matter what happens around them. What exactly that supposed to mean. Aries mars Our Moons sextile and his Sun conjuncts my Moon and my Sun trines his Moon and our Suns, Venuss and Mars are opposite. Perhaps also of note, his Venus conjuncts my Pluto at 1.50 orb, his Pluto conjuncts my Uranus at 4.51 orb, his Sun conjuncts my Pluto at 6.04, his Pluto conjuncts my Jupiter at 6.51, his Pluto sextiles my Neptune at 1.00 orb, AND his Gemini Moon is SQUARE my Pluto at 1.28 orb (double whammy!). My Pluto quincunx his Sun The whole relationship has been so bizarre that there is so much to the story. I was blocked after a fight at the wrong time. Aries Saturn, My planets: I want to know why. Both of those times, I had a very powerful and almost overwhelming sensation of him before I ran into him or found out he was there the same time at me. I only knew this person for a few months and he was so much younger than me that it never would have been practical for the long term. Let`s say we are two different sides to one professional field. Also he is a Scorpio sun, I am a Cancer sun suns trine so Moon/Pluto is our sun signs respective rulers! Thank you,we also have Venus sesquiquadrate pluto synastry .I have no idea what that means.His lilith square my venus as well. That would be so much easier and ask a few questions and I will try to answer! The telepathic thinking is what drew me in, and I think it was for him, too. Also, these experiences stemmed from the fear of abandonment and rejection that came from a previous relationship. Moon conjunct Venus is a feeling of heart love and finding each other beautiful and close to oneself. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Let me know what happens because I will have you on my mind lol, I just posted the charts in the forum in the Personal Readings section with topic title Moon Trine Pluto in Synastry both ways!. Did you know I have a Forum where people can post charts. Moon Square Pluto You will feel sensations of great power, intense assertive or competitive sexual energies in your romantic relationship. The Moon individual in this synastry can often lose themselves in this change which leads these relationships to continue much longer than they should. Fear always about losing the other, about being alone with these intense feelings. Her moon in leo quintiles my pluto also in scorpio. I have this with my boss at work. Is this a romantic relationship or a soul mate friendship? It is a need to be together and a need to be drawn into each others emotional worlds. So my moon is in conjunction with his Pluto. Sexual attraction is strong and you find each other to be very magnetic or highly charismatic. Uggg, Yep, Moon/Pluto is a life time yearning for someone xx. The Pluto individual is the driving engine of a lot of the negative chaos that comes from a Moon Square Pluto synastry. I eagerly hope answers! Ugh, sorry for so many questions! Sun trine Moon 3.73 Weve all sworn that this is never going to happen to us, but if you wind up in a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship youre going to experience intense changes in your life. Oh yes. It is not changeable. I am the moon. The times our eyes do meet when were together, I can actually FEEL the intensity around us. When your moon touches a person's Pluto, you join a club of a few. His Gemini Ascendant? My Pluto sextile his Jupiter Mi marte cuadratura a su jupiter My Pluto sextile his Jupiter Amiaan gracias por responder tan pronto!! Moon/Pluto in Synastry Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths Phone Reading Moon/Pluto in Synastry The Sugarbabes tell it as it is. Sun quincunx Venus 6.56 Even if youre an open book, the Moon represents those hidden currents that are moving underneath the surface. The Pluto individual will be in the same position but on the other end of the equation. Desde ya muchas gracias! Pluto stays the same for many people of the same generation, so people born close to one another will have Pluto conjunct, which is no big deal. xx. Gemini mars I have a one question chart for 89.99, Patty. There's going to be a lot of psychological processing and powerful mirroring as between the two as Sun represents our conscious ego identity and Pluto represents our shadow subconscious self. We were at the same place at the same time and locked eyes. I have a moon-Pluto conjunct with one guy. My Venus trine his Sun (double whammy) The Moon individual might become codependent on the Pluto individual. I know he is capable of intense feelings, as he is a scorpio Sun conjunct Pluto, natal Moon in Leo square Pluto. I am obsessed with him 24/7. I hope he can handle it properly, his influence is enormous. Both Moon/Pluto and venus /Pluto are super powerful. The moon people can also feel like this Pluto can see right into their soul. When I think I know everything about him he shows another layer of himself. His moon sextile both of my Pluto and Venus. I dont think you can alleviate these kind of energies, my Friend. Actually, I have a tip for this!! -my MOON conjunct his PLUTO 0.16 orb (in sag) Thank you so much for your help,you are so welcoming.We also have a couple hard aspects.It is slightly complicated. Hard Neptune aspects can make us see sunshine and roses where there might actually be rain and thorns. In fact, the Pluto person may consciously or unconsciously desire to hurt the Moon person. Aldebaran and Betelgeus are in same sign to both of us. Thats pretty close Id say. She says she misses me after not seeing me for a few days. No words to describe this. For this particular synastry, this level of magnetism quickly becomes a problem. But moon has natal squares.) I CAN absolutely agree with what the girl you spoke with said, and maybe this is the Pluto I dont know. Ascendant Conjunction Mercury 011 175. Moon/Pluto in synastry is once in a lifetime.It is your one and only. Aspects between moons: So it's like you have to keep this beautiful thing between you and your sweetie within your own magical little world. Hi. This is insanity. Everyone should experience it once, in his life, as it is unlike anything else. YES, yes, yes, he feels it the same as you do. I was told the guy I have deep feelings for has his Pluto trine my Moon. He has a Pluto moon opposition natally (his moon in my eighth house), and I have Pluto conjunct ascendant natally. (I add peaceful in my case because there is a sense of purity and peace having my Neptune connected to his Sun. My Moon sextile his Venus Yes, one can tell what both people feel! Pluto conjunct Jupiter How about choose one and ask me, my Friend and Welcome! I have my Pluto tribe his moon, mercury and Neptune. My Pluto sextile his Midheaven He does evoke very emotional responses in me especially about jealousy, which has been a terrible cornerstone in our relationship. Pluto square Mars (Which I have natallyI hate bringing this energy to relationships. The energy of the "Plutonian" often exceeds the sensory and emotional capabilities of its "Lunar" partner, which causes the . Rising quincunx Moon 6.96 And his moon trines my Pluto. His jupiter conjunct my ascendant 3.21 As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. [woocommerce-login-nonce] => Well, it would take me to really address each aspect you listed to give an accurate answer, my Friend. This will be difficult to escape if there is any small amount of attraction between you and your partner. We feel this. Moon/Pluto especially in hard aspect is weird lol. My Pluto trine his Moon, and his Pluto conjunt my Sun and semi square my Venus. I feel a deep connection with this guy, like even if we are not in the same city I can see what is feeling, what is doing like our souls are tied, is weird. Venus trine Midheaven 3.63 The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. No major Nessus and Dejanira connections. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, Pluto In Synastry Sex And Transformation, Mars Square Mars Synastry: Tension and Transformation, Moon in the 8th House An Emotional & Intense Journey, Scorpio Ascendant Woman - A Complete Personality Profile, Sagittarius Moon Man A Complete Personality Profile, Pluto in Libra: Finding Balance and Harmony, Gemini Sun Pisces Moon - The Social Butterfly, Pisces Sun Leo Moon - The Eccentric Leader, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. BUUUUUT hes not into me. This imbalance has been existing, and it will reveal itself to you during this event. I am 13 years his senior and this is just way out of the ordinary for me. Welcome S. Are you a female or a male? Moon Opposition Uranus 221 -68 He knew how to push my buttons. Required fields are marked *. Intense jealousy and excessive possessiveness will flood the relationship in time. And I cant just not answer. We also terrify each other not in a bad way, mind. [save-account-details-nonce] => They always want to comfort others and let them know that the Moon person cares for them. Ami I have this with my boss. We understand one another great but, will that be enough for a long term relationship if possible. Moon conjuct pluto in 10 degrees is there any reason astrologically why a person would be unable to forget someone? Normally i would react quite differently, but with him i feel so responsible to fulfill his expectations and I am so.. weak? I have long comments in your forums section from a few months ago, if you want to reference the situation. Interesting post! The dream and think of each other every day thing I can also attest to. Is the opposition much of a problem? You will pay for doing that and it wont be worth it. When the baby was born August 29 he told me it was his birthday and I asked specifically to make sure he meant it was his actual day of birth. Mr. Leo was born six weeks or so after me, so yeah, we've got this one. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! But beware because astrologers believe that Pluto is a higher form of Mars. Yes, an orb like that would kick up the intensity in a MAJOR way! I cannot get him out of my psyche and do not know what to do! We communicate better when we say nothing (out loud) at all. My Mercury is also opposite his Sun (4 degrees) and Mercury (1 degree), which does not help. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. I am Sun in Capricorn and he is Sun in Cancer. Ill make this as short as possible. First of all look into your natal Pluto in relation to your Moon The Pluto feels he wants to control the tender moon and the moon wants to submit. Its exactly how I feel! This is classic Moon/pluto. Yes, your Venus conj his IC is a very deep feeling of intimacy and as if you are close in such a way that it feels like family. Feel I wont find anyone to help me with my body painbut thats ridiculous I realize (as I write this :D). Pisces sun Es muy bonita . . This position represents our hidden thoughts and feelings. You show it to an animal, a child, a lover and God. If you find yourself feeling compulsive about a certain issue, the activation of your Pluto by the moon will facilitate penetrating under the . It is Ok. Strong attachment and pull toward each other. I am so happy you did, too! Your email address will not be published. You can come and put up your charts in my Personal Readings Forum and ask any questions. It seems Karmic. A trine is an effortless gift. Moon Trine Ascendant 105 98 I think you will be bowled over by each other on first meeting! Astrologers view square as negative energy or omen. On the day the transiting moon conjuncts your natal Pluto, you may have your emotions deeply stirred by an intense encounter that brings deep rooted issues to the surface. My Venus square his Jupiter I am both, as we have a double whammy. It deals with our motherly personality, which can induce the gentle and caring side of people. My Pluto squares his moon so double whammy. It brought tears to my eyes being that I thought I was the only one or because I felt that he was doing that and actually admitted it to me. Its nothing short of obsession, absolutely! Its a square aspect (obviously lol). He is not all that expressive emotionally. Even though we have the moon Pluto cojunction and other Pluto aspects , if he feels obsessive towards me, he conceals it 99%. Ive been so loyal to him while he has been with another woman. Midheaven trine P. of Fortune 0.19 Dont ask about my heart I could hear it beat Chiron quincunx Pluto 1.15 We feel this TERRIBLY. I am a Cancer moon. On the other hand, he was incredibly manipulative over me. Click here to read Venus-Uranus in Syanstry. Unbearable intensity, passion, love. Then every morning, evening, lunchbreak, with hours of chatting beside as often as the other were online. Thank you amiann Our Moons are not conjunct but do make a wide sextile. What are the Moon to Moon aspects. Moon square Pluto in synastry: The emotional bond between you is very complex. How is it when you are together? He is only kind to girls and his friends, but not to all people. For now. Washington, DC United States 10/13/1981 05:14 Julian day 2444890.88 So which is it?? We are only two months together and not really oficial, but he is already acting strange. Yes, you are so right! Indeed, Pluto desires complete control and domination over the Moon persons emotions, and any indication that the Moon person is losing interest or distancing herself leads Pluto to adopt manipulative or controlling behavior to keep the Moon person to himself. yes.. but your description is not about fear and discomfort. Monica. As far as our moon to moon aspects, he is a libra moon and I am a sag moon. I have Pluto opp moon with a guy I am seeing (I am Pluto) the rest of our synastry aspects are really nice. Well, this is intense, intense, intense. He shows a lot of respect so do I Hes married with children; Im married with children. I am womanand I met some time ago a man.Really since I know went like an arrow, very attractive for me, I think continuously in the, can be by my opposition to your Pluto Moon contacts? i mean i wasnt really going for an individual aspect synopsis, i just wanted to know if the intensity of all those Pluto to personal planets contacts would create a mutual infatuation/attraction or if its likely to be unrequited/repulsion. Sorry, I dont live in an English-speaking country. How do natal aspects affect synastry if they appear in both? Theres so much LONGING. YOU are the most important person to me. Some pleasant some unpleasant. And it is true. I love how simple you describe astrology. Time to move on. Me and a gem have a less than one degree moon / Pluto conjunction. im currently feeling VERY troubled by a complicated relationship that i have with a guy >< im supposed to forget him, but i simply cannot. Such a Plutonian confrontation. Its intense. Its not because I dont want to its the total opposite! My Saturn is trine his Pluto Have you had that experience? Im the moon and Im familiar with the obsessive energy. Mi pluton cuadratura a su venus Im thinking the Pluto people wouldnt even write in. Thanks! I know the forum is down, which is so sad, although I understand why. But why come back and run again? I would really need to do a chart on you, in order to answer. Im moon in this once in a lifetime story, she is pluto It may help you understand why such situations occur, where is it rooted, and why your partner is acting that way. It felt like he wanted to hurt me yet another time. Do you have Nessus contacts too? With the square, it would be more of a sexy fighting kind of feeling. (All the above aspects are harmonious, except for an opposition with Neptune-Moon.). When we had one of the powerful full moons this year touching our (double whammy) Pluto-Moon connection, my guy and I ended up running into each other in the middle of a far too specific place for it to have been coincidence. but I agree with your description, too. Pluto is an astronomical body that drives transformation. Different cultures,backrounds,race.If that wasnt enough we also live on different continents.He lives in the canada and i live in sydney. But if I want to think of him as someone kind, I remember the moments where I perceived him as cruel and hurtful on purpose (in my perception). ). soy mujer..y conoc hace un tiempo a un hombre.Realmente desde que los conozco fue como un flechazo,muy atrayente para mi,pienso continuamente en el,puede ser por los contactos de mi luna oposicion a su pluton?y su luna en conjuncion a mi pluton?El apenas me conocio me pregunto:de donde te conozco?? You must truly be soulmates, knowing and adoring each other so deeply<3 <3 <3, Yes, it is pure bliss together. You cant change that. My Venus square his Jupiter what about when both have the aspect? In short, this is what resonates: "In short, this is an emotionally intense relationship that blows hot and cold, drives you to emotional extremes, and challenges your deepest, most personal and important attitudes and habits." However, all hope isnt lost if you want to try to make a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship work. Ami, you described exactly how I feel for my beloved. From intense desire, obsession, jealousy and acting completely out of the norm, something is triggered by one person and you are never the same again. P. of Fortune sextile Venus 1.74 Pluto sextile Moon orb +1, Mira A Venus-Pluto lover needs to love into the bottom layers, to "fully" and "completely" feel another's desire. I have no idea how he feels, but this is exquisite torture for me. But they are sooo intense. Sun trine Midheaven 6.98 <3, The tough thing is, it's so hard to explain to other people without sounding crazy, hahaha!! My Ascendant square his Pluto Hi, sorry if this post appears twice but it seems like the original post got deleted. Why dont you come and put your chart in my Forum, E. Me gusta Espanol. My boyfriends Moon opposes my Pluto at an orb of 0.45, your description seems to be accurate despite the aspect being in opposition! In other words, he too has moon conjunct libra natally. Her pluto and mars conjunct my ASC. Mars trine Jupiter 2.23 Venus trine Saturn 1.99 It is a super attraction aspect with that sexy, violent edge. The thing is both of us are married. An intense connection and deep friendship that felt like two soulmates. Sun quincunx Neptune 5.27 It brings events to people that would turn their life upside down. Maybe I shouldnt interfere, so I am giving you the free will to disregard my opinion. If the Moons are good, this looks amazing, C! He has Cap sun and Virgo moon and Venus, Mars And Mercury in Cap and I have Sun in sag, moon in libra and the same cap stellium in Venus, Mercury and Mars. I fear for bad things happening to you if you go with this guy when you both are married! My moon is in opposition to his pluto and his moon is in opposition to my pluto! Im fighting to create a bit of distance because this obsession just feels so unhealthy. Karmic connections indicators galore!!! Emotionally I have taken a distance from it but I am still very intrigued by the whole thing. each feels it differently. I run from mine. I like questions He too has moon conjunct pluto in libra natally. *Moon conjuncts moon (cancer/cancer). Thank you very much for the description of the Moon/Pluto aspect and giving us the opportunity to briefly describe our experiences with this rare and never to be taken lightly aspect in synastry. Thank you for putting in words, the state of my heartI cannot think of anyone but him, day and night and I know that this loyalty will pervade my entire being for the rest of my life. Sun conjunct Rising 4.49 That is sad. Midheaven trine Jupiter 2.33 It took me a long time to write that haha, beautifully written totally helped me understand why the short month that we knew each other were so bloody intense. Moon- Mars Double conjunction whammy Hi Ami! He had already heard about a new famy moved in town. The last time I saw him was in the beginning of October of this year and have not heard of him for 2 weeks now. Im so obsessed by himThis conjunction takes place in my 12th and his 4th. These two intense energies will blend when the relationship begins and becomes rooted deeply. I met a man who make totally mess in my head. I can say that much. Or does it say more about one person than the other? Sometimes the square can indicate sexual incompatibility, but depending on other aspects in the synastry .

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