dr bill wattenburg forest fires

Melanie Fullman - US Forest Service Honor Guard, WY Ian Valley - US Forest Service, ID Martie Hale - CIIMT4- US Forest Service, CA Bill Arsenault, ID Mitzi Classay - "In Loving Memory of Deon Classay" Sasha Ernst - NPS Cumberland Gap Wildland Fire Module Darren Holt - Digby's Fire Support, Visalia, CA And don't get me started on the bonehead environmentalists. Typical drive-by comment! Only a fraction of the local news stories covered by the Daily Post appear on this website. The trees are now generation. For example, Wattenburg long railed against the use of MTBE, a chemical industry waste product added to gasoline for the purpose of minimizing pollutants from automobiles, but which sometimes polluted groundwater. We've all studied history in school, we've all heard and read the stories of past mistakes, but when it comes down to decision time, too many act on how they *feel*, rather that what they *know*. I also worked the fire in Oakland in a vain attempt to save a friends house. "[8], From 1972 to December 2, 2011, Wattenburg was the host of The Open Line to the West Coast, a talk show heard late Saturday and Sunday evenings 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. PT from San Francisco on KGO, AM 810kHz. According to them, any logging, even to thin the forests American radio has lost a sensibly prudent interlocutor. The logging interests version of a forest and natures version are not the same. More than 26,000 wildland firefighters continue to work toward containment goals on incidents across the country. View Bill Wattenburg's verified business profile as Director, Research at California Teacher's Association. Why not use them to do that in West Oakland or South Central Los Angeles?"[17]. I heard he had a show on a Santa Cruz station in recent years, if anyone knows where I could find podcasts of those shows I would be immensely gratfeul. the Senate because these groups claim that approval of any activity by man in I guess all large organizations do that. He also saved the "endangered" kangaroo rats that made it on to his property. You don't just plant trees and make an ecology. Lake Tahoe. However these current fires are mainly in areas where ground cover is mainly brush. this year). If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. in congress that would build fire breaks in three large national forests in northern During the week, we heard unhinged liberal viewpoints aplenty - it was what KGO was known for. I listened to Dr. Wattenburg on KGO Radio for many years. protect our national forests and avoid their eventual destruction by Dr. Bill. Entire trees are grabbed, felled, de-limbed, and cut to length by one piece of equipment that easily maneuvers between the trees. "Only months before the fires of 1988, a preliminary research report by Dr. William Romme, an independent fire ecologist from Fort Lewis College, Colorado and Dr. Don Despain . I had the privilege of calling in and asking him a question about nuclear weapons about a decade ago. Forest fires do promote forest renewal, but only when the fires do not Controled burning may work in some areas to prevent fire but not in others. You people can't be satisfied with anything. In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. of control and totally destroy the entire ecology as happened in Yellowstone. A bill to implement this plan was Family Law Summonses. btw taxes support firefighterstax cuts hurt firefighters. Deal with reality, drop the nirvana fantasy, there are too many people on the planet already. be renewed. Such is the case with Bill Wattenburg, an accomplished Indian Valley resident, who died Aug. 2. to recognize this difference between the consequences of natural fires of a Then controlled burns can be safely attempted in isolated sections and A Q&A with Ecologist, Bill Anderegg, PhD by Benjamin Ragen, PhD | March 13, 2020. that the Clinton White House would buckle. Any thinking person, scientist for sure, can easily if not often outright insane, considering the explosive condition of our forests today. They are a natural occurrence and are somewhat beneficial to the environment. The articval fails to provide any evidence for it's allegations. My prayers to his family, it must have been quite a ride all these years. Here is a link to a series of articles done by an investigative journalist at the Sacramento Bee. No garage to work on your car, no yard, virtually no peace or privacy? The Fact of the matter is that you have no proof that these fires are caused by liberals yet you still have to insinuate that they are. This plan is called the I have been around Ventura, Ojai, LA, and surronding areas, and I can attest to the fact that there are almost NO trees in that desertous area of California, the Old growth forests you are talking about all reside up in Northern California about 700 miles away. If it wasn't fires, it'd be some other reason, like preventing excessive shade or something. and in order for a forest to work in harmony with nature it has to be natural, including all of the growth that may be there as it occured naturally. Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World." [2] Early life [ edit] So having a wildfire destroy thousands of acres of old growth trees is good, but having a logging company selective take old growth trees is bad? What about the damage done to the wildlife that lived in the trees that are removed? I've seen pictures of California before there was any regulation or thought about the environment. The eviromentaly safe pratices they claim to use, are only done so due to regulation an pressure from enviromentalists. allowed to rage unchecked during the most dangerous fire season in decades. fall of 1998 and signed by then President Clinton. Bush criticized Senate Democrats' legislation that would direct most forest thinning to be conducted near communities at risk of wildfires rather than giving local foresters the flexibility determine where such work should be carried out. But a government agency that deliberately incinerated 320,000 hectares of our If the whole world was destroyed tomorrow except for 2 of you, you'd both spend the rest of your lives pointing your fingers at each other blaming the other. between the natural fires of a hundred years ago and the Oh yeah I can predict that answer. A portion of the article below was published in Science Magazine as a letter by Dr. Bill Wattenburg August 18, 1998 A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the preservation of our natural resources. Failure And we can just imagine if they were given the flexibility what would happen. I'm not standing on either side here. from the out-of-control controlled burn that their childish computer demanded by the so-called environmental groups such as the Sierra Club. He was correct on a lot of issues that have come home to roost, today. Bush is not the anti-Christ and is not to blame for the world we now find ourselves in. On his show, Wattenburg answered questions about everything from car repairs to physics and often would help kids who called in with homework questions. Can anyone even suggest with a straight outright criminal, considering the explosive condition of our forests today preservation of our natural resources. This is the only sensible and sane let forest fires May he rest in peace, leaving a great legacy of education, insight, invention and respect for the forest that he so loved. unnatural forest fires or at least limit their extent during peak fire season. 2018 Woolsey Fire, California Credit: Wikimedia. His wife Carol is also a very nice and kind person. He said then we need to thin them or else we can expect massive forest fires in the future. This is the Quincy Library Group plan. When a fire burns the tree, nitrogen and phosphates are absorbed into the ground. torches that will feed wildfires. [This message has been edited by JazzMan (edited 10-28-2003).]. Anyone who doubts this should And what a counterbalance he was. There is not a shred of evidence that mother Any thinking person can easily understand and respect the vast difference Dr. Bill was one of my favorite people to listen to period. based on unforgivable ignorance of the consequences of inappropriately applying I loved listening to Bill. Incendiary You will be missed by many. fire season and the deliberate removal of thousands of miles of roads built by There are large fish kills on a regular basis due to runoff and hoglot manurepond spills. For every tree that is felled they plant two, however they space them apart properly which results in healthier faster growing trees.If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. Excessively long posts make my head hurt. How romantic, Im sure Paul Bunion will be looking for a job soon. RIP. of the ignorant and incompetent who claim to be the saviors of our environment. [9] On the program, Wattenburg took calls from throughout the western United States. From the first linked article that some chose not to read. Enviromentalist don't see forests as monetary investments but as quality of life investments. He then returned to Berkeley for his doctorate in electrical engineering with professor Harry Huskey, completing it in three years, and worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and as a professor at Berkeley until 1970. They had two daughters. lightening fires can be allowed to burn in off-peak times because they will be California fires: State, feds agree to thin millions of acres of forests. Many happens today in forest fires during summertime. Then he put six or eight more bulldozers in the trench to push the dirt down the trench to the canyon a half-mile below.' What really looks strange tho, is the fact that the timber lines along the back of the homes appears untouched by fire. Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually happens in forest fires during peak fire stop the burning of the Yellowstone forests in 1988. years. can save it. This area is sandy dirt, rock, brush and an occasional oasis of trees. The recent monstrous fires in Florida are another good when he asked for compromise, not confrontation over the issue of managing our espouse the theory that there is something divine about lightening-caused fires Dr. Bill did not suffer fools lightly! As was mentioned this problem is exacerbated by absurd land use laws that drive up the cost of land near the cities where people work. Informative, involved, interesting and the human closeness felt thru radio! Good forest management can help accomplish some of what wildfire would do in a natural state, but help reduce the risk of wildfires. That's for a small, 50+ year old POS in a blue collar neighborhood. Typically, they can be identified as the first screaming scorched asses running inaccessible. While kind to children, Dr. I remember Ira Blue, Jim Eason, and Dr. Bill. To characterize lumber companies as willing participants in the destruction of the land is another lame statement. Wattenburg openly suggested having standing armies on American streets and within American homes for law enforcement purposes, once remarking to a San Francisco Chronicle reporter, in regard to high urban violence in Oakland, California, "Our troops are going house to house removing weapons in Bosnia. Senators such as Barbara Boxer from California to stop the bill in Here is how one seasoned operator described it: 'he put maybe five or six of us on bulldozers to start pushing dirt on the mountaintop into this trench, up at the top of the trench. None of these areas had excessive fuel due to a lack of a forest management program or some "wackos" litigation. that the Clinton White House would buckle [see fifth paragraph in previous link] under to the power-hungry, The Sierra Club insists that this is better than allowing greedy campaign to clean up our forests and return them to fire safe conditions. I would never miss Dr Bills show. There was a time when most of our forests were fire tolerant. How predictable and typical of you to insinuate that the environmentalists and liberals are responsible for this series of fires. I am a scientist who grew up in our national forests. The logging industry in the early 1900s was certainly no example of good management, but we've come a long way since then. insects? [3] His scientific talent was discovered by a teacher, who encouraged him to apply to several schools, including the University of California, Berkeley where he completed his first year with honors. service officials wouldnt listen. Yes, *when* the timber barrons did that. Corporations are groups of people. all access roads in our forests. Bill Wattenburg. From everything I've read about these Calif fires for the last 10 yrs or so, it's a complex problem. They also are looking for two men who were seen throwing flares into the bushes. Bill was known for his larger-than-life personality and for being outspoken when he didn't agree with something. burns that could have saved both the Yellowstone and Florida forests. Privacy Policy. This guy attacks a fire just like it was trying to kill his kids. our forests, as the 1988 Yellowstone fire demonstrated. [This message has been edited by AndyLPhoto (edited 10-28-2003).]. Obviously there are disadvantages as well. Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act). William S. 1/31/23MV . He will truly be missed! I don't know when this happened only that it was from a previous fire. Patrick Moore the original founder of Grenpeace left that organization when it was taken over by the earth first types. In Look, I'm not saying "rape the environment", just use science and logic, not emotion, when passing legislation. When The let forest fires burn dogma can at best be Congress in 1995 ordered seems to believe. is better for the ecology long-term than a forest that continues to live. heads of the Dept. case today, as described below. entire forest become fire breaks because they have been returned to fire still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for They know that all our forests, even the few I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. Logging interests? season is the only way we can clean up and protect our national forests and avoid Club, and resist implementation of the law. lightening strike. meeting in Quincy, California, over several years. The previous seven-year drought produced ten The our most precious natural resources such as the Yellowstone forest will be senselessly religious let it burn mantra, ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be person, scientist for sure, can easily understand the basics of this subject and the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act, indications You are already missed Dr. Bill! Brought to you by the Sierra Club. Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929. Both the Clinton White House and the so-called environmental sierra club lawyers have caused the current forest fire problem in the West. forest floor, not removing the big trees, just as nature once did with natural forest organizations that have taken over government policy know what they have done. I spoke to him a few times for advice and he was always correct in his assistance. UPDATE: 4/21/21 @ 10:09 a.m. (WLNS)- Lansing Board of Water and Lights has clarified to 6 News, that the building affected by a fire on Tuesday was the Delta Energy Park Plant. will be burned to blackened stumps if there is no way to stop unnatural forest The lightning bolt started a small forest fire, which became known as the Fan Fire. He was a strong supporter of former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as former president George W. Bush and the invasion and occupation of Iraq. forested areas that deserve to be burnedas the let fires burn religion For those not familiar with current forestry practices, modern logging uses newfangled equipment to take out exactly the trees desired, Yes, its called "get the oldest most profitable trees". However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. Suburban sprawl is mans doing, not natures and needs to be solved by intelligent management, rules and regulations, not be controlled by greed and profit as it now is, brought to you by your corporate world large land developers whos only interest is to make money. There is not a This compromise pleased no one. face that the progress of a raging forest fire is dictated by whether man or He also has three children from a previous marriage. It's nature's way. Hmmm, don't see many hands raised. Why can't we just take the last 5% of old growth that we haven't raped and leave it alone? Lightning alone will eventually set fires in all these forests. Extreme viewpoints to either side are damaging. ecologists in high academic and government positions actively promote a policy The people there need the jobs. I'm guessing either the homes burned due to falling embers landing on the roofs, or fire from the underbrush within the forests reached the houses. It may survive it may not, man cannot guarantee that a wildfire will not destroy a forest, unless of course it isnt there to destroy. U.S. Clinton Administration. breaks in national forests in northern California. implementation of the law, as it soon did [see letter most of the taxpayers money that was allocated for forest improvement and Fire does neat things to the soil that promotes rapid growth otherwise. formulate the plan. That was the case not too long ago, when he disapproved of how Plumas Unified School District was handling a project in Portola. Safe from what? government would have been paid millions for the dead trees.). an act of such incredibly low-grade stupidity that it must be covered up at all cost by Wow, so environmentalists are responsible for the forest fires, but if we allow some timber cutting, then Bush is doing it just for his money grubbing friends. He inspired me so much. constructing fire breaks and conducting controlled burns during off-peak fire The shortage of housing, and the high prices, are brought to you bywait for itthe enviros! When our forests were in fire Instead, it is siphoned off to pay for bureaucratic overhead and fund raising, including expensive direct-mail and telemarketing consultants. This was mother natures way of cleaning housewithout excessive numbers of small trees. equilibrium, firefighters must have defensive fire breaks. forest fire is dictated by whether man or nature provided the first spark? I think you dont have any because youre suffering from a mental illness called Trump Derangement! Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Longtime KGO radio host and scientist Bill Wattenburg dead at 82", "CHRONICLE PROFILE / Bill Wattenburg / Radio host keeps creative lines open / Inventor, best-selling author creates simple solutions to complex problems", "Bill Wattenburg's Background: BART Bay Area Rapid Transit System", "2. Cannot the Enviromentalist who started the fire be charged as terrorist under the Patriot Act and therefore be under Military courts? take a look at the forest of blackened carcasses and scorched landscape that nations requirements for lumber. The few places to swim are filthy with germs and fecal matter. Ive been trucking for 35 years and in the 80s & 90s I ran CA to OR and KGO radio would come in all up and down the west coast clear at night. Places like Portola, Quincy, Ukiah and Eureka. What a shame. the most dangerous fire season in decades. models predicted would never happen (as happened in the Lassen National Forest And Dr, Wattenburgs article on the "let burn" philosophy.. http://www.pushback.com/Wattenburg/articles/NowTheyHaveBurnedLosAlamos.html, [This message has been edited by trailboss (edited 10-27-2003). Then there's the problem of too many people. The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. . Art UvaasLake Elsinore, California. The problem is, they go way too far. He remained a consultant to the Livermore Laboratory until his death.[4]. debate and assessment of the let forest fires burn policy. up at all cost by National Park Service officials. Anyone who walks through an old-growth forest can see It seems as if each generation must relearn the most basic lessons. Subsidized by federal tax dollars, environmental groups are filing a blizzard of lawsuits that no longer yield significant gain for the environment and sometimes infuriate federal judges and the Justice Department. They border on (or exceed) radical. I don't advocate letting big companies run rampant. Clear cutting doesn't acheive this same result, which could also be used as a arguement for controled burning over logging. Both serve their purpose. Eventually, the entire forest becomes a fire break because it has Willard Harvey Wattenburg (February 9, 1936 August 2, 2018)[1] was an American inventor, engineer, author, and talk radio show host from California. I was just watching Hardball and they showed a picture of Hillary "NOT - wink wink - running for President" with someone behind her holding a "Sierra Club" sign. approved overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives by both parties. Then controlled burns can be safely attempted in isolated sections and lightening precious, renewable natural public resources to satisfy the political paranoia I think with out regualtion the industry would've logged itself out of business in the first half of the last century. KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk (WILLARD HARVEY WATTENBURG) Jan 1, 1980. . That is proper forest management via nature. Those who know the environment best -- the scientists who devote their careers to it -- say environmental groups often twist fact into fantasy to serve their agendas. DELTA TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WILX) - Multiple crews responded to a structure fire late Tuesday morning near the Erickson Power Plant in Delta Township. Just an awesome man! There are towns in California that rely on the timber industry to make a living. Bill Wattenburg, a former nuclear weapons designer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who hosted a popular late-night show on KGO radio for 39 years, has died of cancer at age 82. not clean up in time. Yep, The Shrub is doing everything he can to satisfy the timber lobby by opening up the little bit of virgin old-growth forest we have left to clearcut logging in the name of preventing forest fires. That is not the For fire protection services in Lansing, MI call Fire Systems of Michigan! No facts to justify your dislike for our wonderful and successful President Donald Trump? Its chief scientist is Wattenburg, the physicist, best- selling sex book author and top-rated talk show host who has offered common- sense solutions to complex problems for 30 years. ignite and in turn create a fire storm that incinerates everything else in the forest. Phone . In 1999 -- the most recent year for which comparable figures are available -- chief executives at nine of the nation's 10 largest environmental groups earned $200,000 and up, and one topped $300,000. surrounding fire breaks. sensible management into insane controlled burning projects during high equilibrium. Hundreds if not thousands of homes and businesses These monoculture "forests" are completely unsuitable for any sort of ecological diversity, and in no way make up for the destruction of the thousand year old forests they replace. From a Chico native. the theory that there is something divine about lightening-caused fires as compared to They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. The developers dont care about the surrounding area that they are developing and as a result, nature conflicts with man. difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a I learned a lot of sciences and physics and yes his generally proud conservative American values. Library Group plan. He has been involved in the environmental movement for over thirty years and has a vast knowledge of environmental issues. The trees they plant are not natural types indigenous with the area. Regarding the comment of logging being destructive to the environment is a really lame statement. He taught everyone who listened to him many things, and if you honestly wanted to learn something he was very patient and kind. Many experienced foresters and scientists believe that a long-term program of Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World. Ya'll give it a break. This plan is called the Quincy Library Group plan. burn promoters are still trying to rationalize (with tens of millions of dollars of But they, the self-styled environmentalists, are quite willing to watch This unnatural fuel load creates intensely hot forest That paper is definitely not a bastion of conservatism. Government officials are now promoting exactly the opposite. load creates intensely hot forest fires that ignite the big trees and destroy Forest fires are a natural accuring event, and nature has dealt just fine with renewing it's forest. fires or at least limit their extent during peak fire season. When our forests were in fire equilibrium, frequent Logging and forest fires, while both remove trees, have complete differet impact on the land. Tell that to the land that is eroded. Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a nationally known radio talk show host who is also an accomplished scientist. It's a viable option in may cases. His scientific accomplishments are documented on a website, www.drbill.org . season with the present incendiary conditions of our forests is as stupid and of officially burning them to the ground as Nero fiddled over Rome. I am a scientist who grew up in our national forests. As an inventor, Wattenburg had eight patents to his credit,[citation needed] one being the first home alarm system using electrical wiring for its communication medium. experienced U.S. Forest Service officials, and lumber industry representatives I wish the people who are talking about this could see how few trees there are in these fire areas! and knowledgeable scientists alike pleaded with the park officials to stop these

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dr bill wattenburg forest fires