villain monologue generator

7 Most Villainous Monologues. In short, the entire story is an example of Evil Gloating. Voice Age: Young Adult. You will be the vessel and actor to carry out my most nefarious plans. shoving me in the fucking woods You got me! All the simple things of a corporate role and more. Sometimes they are dishonest and tend to break the law with their actions. A monologue from Marie LaVeau and the Vampire by Rosary O'Neill (Female, Dramatic, 20s - 50s) Marie LaVeau and the Vampire is a mystery/comedy about the voodoo priestess Marie LaVeau and the band of spirits that try to kill her. 2. :: checks list to see who I irrationally hate today :: Not precisely villainous, but Edward Nortons Fuck it monologue in 25th Hour had me in deep chills the first, oh, twenty times I hear it. Both represent villains who really have no power of their own and are under the orders of a superior being who gives them orders. So as you can see, monologues and villains go hand in hand, no matter the entertainment delivery system. *Mamet manages to turn profanity into an art form. Writing is all about the choices you make. If you have better ones, tell me in the comments. It's very funny and lampoons a lot of the lessons we've learned above. What about another speech marking an ending? Its the goof of all time. Only fools abandon hope after just four failures. That movie is built on the villains delivering monologue after monologue, talking about the reasons for their crimes. Finally there are: Villains (antagonists of the characters), Leader of Evil (Villain who could soon manage to complete his great evil plan) and Lord of Evil (very powerful villain who has already completed his plan and emerged victorious). Cue the proud Ranger. I suspected they were simple, common folk who had taken up arms to oppose me. Do you know what happens to people who are trapped, just as surely as you are trapped now? We all stand behind the ranger as our GM sighs. How would he do his loving kindness meditation tonight? 5. And also because I was jealous of the potato. Previous Article The New and Improved Tavern Generator. All of my efforts, all my deeds are in vain if I do not defeat death itself. Im obsolete! (Find out more). My husband was struggling with it and his meditation teacher asked him: what do you love most in the world? By joining for free you can have more generator options such as selecting more items generated each time. Look but dont touch. Then he smashes a glass bottle into her face. And finally, at the stroke of just one half of an hour, your heart will beat as though it would burst through your chest until it simply fails and you die. Written by MasterClass. Worship that? Think about it. Just one half of an hour from contraction to conclusion of this pestilence. They held out for two years. Privacy Policy. From the animals you hunt, to the plants you walk upon, to the tiniest bacteria underneath your fingernails, that you kill without a second thought. Yes, this is it here. I will take what is owed me if they will not give it freely. This is the "Random Villain Generator" module. I swear it! In this quote he stresses the importance of standing up for your beliefs, the truth, and what you know to be right, no matter who opposes you, and no matter what the consequences or odds are. His methods may be evil his ends are more ambiguous, but still a fair bit insane. Now, think about all those people that created them. I did this to people I did no know or hold any ill will toward. My father was no married to my mother. Nevertheless, I think hearing him quote the Bible to strike fear into someone and simultaneously show us he's a man of faith helps deepen the character and show us why he changes over the course of the film. There is an additional variant to the latter, called Supreme Lord of Evil, which represents evil personified, implacable and above any character. These are my enemies. Trying to take over the throne, Scar has his hyena associates cause an antelope stampede, trapping and nearly killing Simba. They are my Regalia of Power! Rolls to confirm against a Flat-footed foe and hits. You want to make sure they are telling the audience something new. It was very quiet when I spoke and although it was a beatable encounter this dragon did end up wiping the group. Then upon the smoldering ashes and the shattered bones of my enemies, I will build an empire. I don't know about you, but I love watching a TV show or a movie driven by dialogue. Are you restricting it to over-the-top Villiany? What do you believe me capable of for my ambition now? Featured Monologues. Saints and other ghostly intruders threaten, block, and . They are difficult to control. Pray you never feel its full might unleashed upon you. Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. I am stepped in that blood so far that to go back the way I came would be far more tedious than to continue. Here's mine (Adapted from a novel called The Madness of Angels): I offered you wealth, property, money. And there I bred by half-breed warriors. Alex O'Loughlin. It gave her room to deliver a performance that showed us who the "villain" of this story really could be. I'm kind of in the "don't monologue more than five or six sentences" camp, though. Nocturne, champion of the shadow punched through the ice flapping his wings to offset the balance of our heroes. Yes, that is the result of just one of my battles. Elegant. Monologue 2: Captain America. - Agenda: This is one of the most interesting points of the module. The aim of these writing prompts is to help with dialogue writing. A super villain is a variant of the villainous stock character archetype in modern popular fiction. This module includes the villain name generator. Oh, yes. Therefore, this biography determines the past (or present/future) of the villain. I made $970,000 last year. So do not think that your pitiful band can hope to bar my way. And Cersei Lannister always delivers. We're in the death mind of the legendary healer. Next Article Lets Build: A Thieves' Guild. Gulnis: "You know what, die." Usage - You are free to use anything generated in your creative works. Though it may take a lifetime, I will have what is mine restored to me. Before earning my MFA in Playwriting from Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, I was an acting major and I can't begin to tell you how many hours I spent searching through monologue books for the right material. Imagine a world without magic. Of course, not everything is so dramatic. But they were necessary. And because of that, General Hummel has more depth and is more engaging as a villain. - Windows: Open the snipping tool (comes with windows vista, 7, 8, and 10) and drag the crosshair across the the area you wish to capture, you can now save the image with the same tool. The world will see me rise up from the ashes of this city and know the Galston people return with fury and hellfire at their backs. You can automatically generate dialogues for your character. Hes a prankster. Your mind is no longer your own when I have this, the Cyrinshad! I turn cities into salt. So imagine what I will do to those who dare oppose me! It's either a way to introduce your characters, show their ending, or reveal their plan. Both have a more important role than the previous ones, even having under their command. All you got to do is act. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finale. The Immortal Bard was the master of the villainous monologue, and he was at the top of his game with King Lear. An elegant solution don't you think? Secrets. I don't even remember the dialogue, the shot was so great. I am the sun that will ignite the fire without a second thought. When I was a child, raiders burned my home to the ground and killed my parents. His ears I fried and fed to my dogs. I tried to destroy my husbands life. I hear you. Then the murders began as hunger gnawed at their souls. The "Greed is Good" one from Gordon Gecko. Loving kindness meditation is where you try to evoke feelings of safety and comfort and friendliness and love toward yourself and others. I will do this to your enemies if you name them. Cannibalism. For it is death who took my beloved. The evil villain generated includes an original name, the evil villain's plot, and how the evil villain will die. Connie Brockway. Of course, monologues can come as part of the theme of a movie. (Con save to be feared, all failed) guttural laugh Today will be the day the gods look back on and remorse, for not even they can stop me now!" The tool consists of a bunch of fields, including one for a name, stats, characteristics, and two fields for additional information. All the simple things of a corporate role and more. The results are truely amazing. How to Write a Monologue With Examples. I like playing the villain. Have you found a spelling mistake or is the randomly generated content inappropriate? The king wanted peace and prosperity, but he had slighted my father once. Maybe the last humanist. With holy fire wrought from pure creation, my vengeance will bring about the downfall of the kingdom. Fucking bitch. Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it. And name what creature more terrifies the kingdoms of this world than the Tarrasque! Or what about when a villain gives a speech telling us what they believe or what they're selling? A woman wakes up to find her family gone and her doors and windows boarded up with no way to escape. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. Look but dont touch. (biography). Naturally, they are always one step ahead, albeit sinister and void of morality. Did I do my job? By Henry Abosi. As far back as I can remember, I have always . You have no understanding of what my people lost, but after today you'll begin to feel but a fraction of our pain. All Rights Reserved. If you're in your 30's, don't choose a monologue for a young ingenue. Their bones decorate my castle. ", (I cant believe I still dont own The Fifth Element). But seeing him therein our study on his cushion. You know?. Here are one hundred different ways you can show that your main villain is a little deeper and more complex than the players might have originally thought. In this small vial, a pestilence to lay low the whole of mankind. When Hans Landa sits across the table from the farmer. Video Game Voice Over Script Example 1:The People Freer. So they had to be taken. Nothing will stop it once set in motion. he says. Upon reaching the final chamber, they came face to face with a mad Dark Elf and his unnatural experiments/abominations. The random generator tool collates 25 items, recording famous monologues from classic cartoons. How to Create an Evil Villain For a Story. Most conquerors in such a situation would have slaughtered the whole of the citizenry. If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for their authorizations and inspirational content click on, Villain phrases are the intellectual property of. For the crime of opposing my will. Some races are of "Indeterminate" gender, since they are either hemaphroditic or have no defined sex. Beautiful isn't she. That was me. Well let me show you what you have wrought!" Hes a prankster. Hes an absentee landlord! For monologues not written by Gabriel Davis that are recommended on this site royalties may apply so be sure to contact the relevant author or their agent for permission to use their work. The best women have birthed a dozen or more of my mongrel soldiers. Share 12. You are all bacteria to me. a free resource created by Gabriel Davis to support those seeking audition material. First, let's talk about the opening scene of Inglorious Basterds. Savage Wombat. Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent childs pants. Blog Featured Monologues Monologue Lists . Youre not fooling anybody, sweetheart. Cheers. That is over One Billion unique and original Evil Villains. Fuck you! These are the best examples of villain monologues I could think of. Er - mlord Skald, wouldnt the mosquitos be more effective at spreading the flesh-eating bacteria if they werent on fire? My raiment is the Invulnerable Coat of Arnd. Khan Noonien Singh . Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. Shame on you! "Tremble Fledglings, and Despair! It leans into the chaos that goes with the character and with the audience's understanding of him in this world. Landa's monologue offers us a haunting look into the utter evil of the Nazi mindset. There's no shortage to the number of ways in which doom can befall a person or entire village, either and we built this mystery plot generator to illuminate a few of them. But only through extreme effort, planning, and a dragon's horde of wealth expended only then can my patron make himself manifest upon this plane of existence. For some it takes hours to die, others days. Only the chosen shall remain to repopulate the lands you leave behind. Oh, I see that the "True heroes of old," have finally arrived- it is a pity th-. Give me a fucking break. A murder in a previously quiet, cozy town. Not every epic anime moment is a fight scene or a confession of love. Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. He can be a magical being, so he prioritizes spell casting; a melee combatant, who prefers short distances; or a ranged combatant, who prefers to attack his enemies with projectiles. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. Slow the fuck down! This module can be used to create villains and antagonists for any role-playing game such as: D&D 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, GURPS, Aquelarre, and any other game set in medieval fantasy. And with them, I shall become the hidden ruler of all I survey. Though magic be a scourge upon the land, I must use the weapons of mine enemies. So into bondage I sent them all. We fought Injuns and rustlers. And it is that everything burns. Head over to Pictory. Another one I think that doesn't get lauded enough is "tears in rain" from Blade Runner. What use after all is Man, if not to teach God His lessons? I offered you visions, wonders, comfort, security. Cause of Death:Deboned by a deranged chef, 9. Yet every time this came up, I simply role-played the sword . I'm thinking about the villain monologue from Training Day, where Denzel tells us about King Kong. Want more personalized results? Pray I am so gracious when I crush you pitiful lot beneath my boot heel. I hand you the target, I tell you who and where. Imagine the broadest river you have ever laid eyes upon. You ready for that, Slayne? Because the generators use AI to create content it is possible it may create words or sentances that are owned by other parties. And while youre jumpin from one foot to the next, what is he doing? And eight shall be our beacon and guide star. He got off easy a day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity. If you prefer a physical copy, simply using the printing option in your browser (Ctrl + P on PC, Cmd + P on Mac) will allow you to print all the information in the character fields without any of the site extras. He has repressed memories. This doppleganger is not a mere copy, but a replication so precise and exact that the soul's own closest kin would be unable to detect the cheat. Now starts the anticipated Sub-boss battle our GM had been planning. This unethical super-villain has insect powers, and is spurred onward by power-lust. I can. It was the middle of winter so my players all think he died. You can use the Save button to save your generated villain to your personal saved lists. Because he started meditating. And her army will join mine to lay waste to the world and in the ashes that remain build a more just world. I'm hoping that at least the paladin in the group will start to feel bad. These choices reflect the kinds of people you draw and how their actions affect the story. Another show built on monologues is House of Cards. The Screenwriting Contests We Think Are Worth Entering. Imclone. I took a stab at it and created this: Villain Monologue Builder. I ask you: you do your job? Do you do your job? This is the best evil villain generator I've found yet! So I took the right hand of very man, woman, and child in the district. football manager 2020 years to gain eu nationality. They have more power and execute missions more efficiently. When I had breached their walls, all were put to the sword. He was pissed. Mel Brooks. This is what I do to those who dare say, "No" to me. Anson Mount. I'm definitely open to suggestions for additions, subtractions, and any other way to improve this. - Mobile devices: It really depends on the brand and type of device, so you'll probably have to Google it for your specific device. Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 5 min read. Youre quasi-evil. A great example of a villain monologue that gives us just enough information to whet our appetite is the climactic sequence of The Dark Knight. And while youre at it, fuck J.C. ruin Your Incarnation. And it was not a quick death. ^.^ Good father? It captures the idea of how clones view the modern world and if they have deeper thoughts. 10. So I poisoned the entire delegation. Worldcom. There are numberless millions who have perished on this world. 18 Monologues from Published Plays . Now you can generate plans of pure sadism from the comfort of your own home! This is the " Random Villain Generator" module. This talisman is no mere bauble, but the Talisman of Pure Evil! Yes, my dearest. Also shown are his weaknesses (if any) and some points of interest such as his dungeon guards, pets or army. If you are looking for AI resources to generate original Evil Villain content we recommend the following: We're all the heroes of our own stories.". der and harm Your creature on earth as far as I am able. A man afraid of snakes is shipwrecked on an island covered with them. Fallen to age, disease, war, endless, pointless war, murder, childbirth and they will all rise up in my service. Evil Villain Generator is the best tool ever! You dare ask why. This serves as a culmination of his journey. 1. Top Quotes About Villains. It will take as long as it takes, and with each effort my plans have become more refined. The women and girl children I placed in great hatcheries where I loosed my strongest, bravest monsters. I'm driven forward unlike any creature this world has ever known. How to Generate a Evil Villain. No, no. You have heard of the Great Volcano Tamborax? Before the battle commenced, he offered the following to the wide-eyed party: "Poor little children, afraid and alone, Trying their hardest, to unreap what I've sown. Players had worked their way through an abandoned mine on the outskirts of a once booming Dwarven civilization. What about another very famous one? Ah, Father. Then you will fall into a stupor, then a shivering fever worse than any ague known to medicine. Code Geass; In this stomach-churning speech, Charles zi Britannia - the ultimate villain of Code Geass - explains his motivation for taking over Japan, and demonstrates the callousness and cruelty that allowed him to misuse both his power and his own children:. I felt like thats how I want him to look at me. William Shakespeare's 16th Century masterpiece portrays King Richard III's Machiavellian . In "Cold Snap", the villain is an Evil Genius who has spent decades stewing over various perceived slights, including a defeat by the hero's mentor fifty years earlier. Youre so wrong. Perhaps you have heard of the Eye and Hand of Vecna, but what of the Heart of Vecna? After a final rooftop fight, Batman pushes The Joker off the side of the building, seemingly to his death. Ten years in the country, still no speakee English. But how can you write them? You see this orb? And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. The BBEG cries out in pain as a bolt tears through his right hip. All for a single clue towards this powerful artifact that I now hold in my arsenal. The abilities will depend on the type of villain class we have chosen. Worship that? And with only one hand to survive and farm with, there was little time or passion for ambush or fomenting revolt. Monologue Generator 2000. Thrice before my plans have been thwarted. They send me a rag tag bunch of vagrants who know nothing more than fighting and murder. It was easy to use and I was able to create an evil villain name for my Roblox game in seconds, This is the best evil villain generator I've ever used! Worst fucking parade in the city. No exit. The thing here is that we subvert the villain monologue. Way back when we first started playing they ended up dethroning a king who was being a tyrant, high taxes, harsh punishments for relatively minor crimes, and strict curfews. Adelphia. What was the best villain monologue your DM ever had? For example, given the goal describe an object x, the intention persuade . Because I never rejected him. Six adjectives to describe somebody's character. Challenge me not on this! Nice guy? Do we not have ten fingers? This tool is used to create enemies and evil characters for our stories and role-playing games. Only of the seventh. Simply choose the type of villain you want to create (Warlock or Long/Distance Combatant), its power level and press "Generate". Taste, dont swallow. Why? Our greatest scholars tell us that the celestial bodies we see in the sky are fixed and unmovable from their circuit across the firmament. An a moment of pique, I cursed the gods. Client: The People Freer. A portal. These henchmen will take care of the simpler tasks, reserving the more complicated missions for the "special henchmen", who will appear in "Strengths and Weaknesses" as renowned henchmen, with more background and personality. A neighboring kingdom sent a trade delegation to visit when I was a boy. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. I said Hey, maybe try looking at me, sending loving wishes to me instead of a potato? He agreed to try it, we sat down, I sat in front of him. In Negative Energy, Rose is completely against having her roommate's sister Meagan live with them temporarily which sparks this monologue. Monologue Generator First our system generates the monologue. This field also helps to give better immersion and a more complete experience, allowing players to hear stories or cross paths with these villains unwittingly, thwarting their plans and being the enemies of the villain without knowing it. You betray our trust! The Abomination. Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder, and chaos. It's an "oh how the mighty have fallen" speech. And dont even get me started on the Dominicans, cause they make the Puerto Ricans look good. This is done locally in the browser, so you can close it, come back another time and still load your previous work assuming you didn't use incognito mode or cleared all your browser data. Take your career and your day rate to the next level. Holding a potato, looking lovingly at a potato. Ive nurtured every sensation mans been inspired to have. The analogy is apt and i like it but it leapt out at me as something out of period. . The lowest levels are: Useless Henchman (many failures) and Henchman. Join For Free Now!! This mystical super-villain is an android, and is driven by hatred. All the randomized values can also be adjusted if you prefer different ones, like a different race type, for example. Gender: Male or Female. "A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told.". - Strengths and Weaknesses: These depend on the life the character has had. And those who oppose me, when they inevitably fall to my legions, will in death find new purpose as undying soldiers in my eternal army. One of the ladies in my group explained that the voice I made when saying the last line gave her goosebumps. Im here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. Think about it. When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. It's a really fun way to keep the audience invested. Villain Monologue Generator v.1. And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. Our Ranger immediately sets his crossbow. Terrorists in fucking training. Well your prayers have been answered, because now with the Evil Plan Generator, you can come up with any number of plans in no time at all to wreak havoc upon the world! You have to balance the tone of your script as well as not making it too clich. villain monologue generator. NEVER! When I think of these monologues, I think about Bond villains detailing their plans to James while he's tied up or on a table moving toward a saw. This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finalehas one of the best, but Im sure my fellow Dopers can find other worthy ones. We were whole. Hes a SADIST! No resources. It is a very useful tool to bring the world to life, since these villains have a role that, perhaps, has nothing to do a priori with the players. I invited you to share the dreams of a child, to sense the skin of another's sex, to hear all with the ears of a bat, to see with the eyes of a hawk, to smell with the nose of a hound. Another one I think we talk about often is from The Dark Knight. tags : hero, nobody, . So one day, I cooked all the potatoes in the house, made a giant shepherds pie, and gave it to a local homeless shelter. All men are not created equal. On the names of innocent thousands murdered, I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your 72 whores roasting in a jet-fuel fire in hell. But not me! Do you want to have Evil Villain random content on your website, blog or app with our API? Obviously the flames are TINY, and the mosquitos are magically engineered to be immune to it. My villain managed to shout "I'M A BAD MAN" right before the spell-flinging started. My sword would like to know how you would like to die? All the stars are aligning for moment of my ultimate triumph to be soon at hand. I step out into the world with the sole purpose of it's destruction, and how does the world great me? The best monologues from villains. Twenty seven years, neck deep in shit! The local temple recruited young children into their cult. It goes on for a little while, a gentle expression of deep abiding love. Goldfinger gets this wonderfully smug look and says who said anything about removing it? And then he teases Bond along in figuring out the real plan. Okay, let's be honest, we all know that villains tend to be endowed with a slightly deeper reservoir of intellect. With this I can bend the limbs, mind, and soul of any creature to my will. But shall I tell you how you will die? Wildness you see. strument a boastful, lustful, smutty infantile boy and give me for And he will say, "I have something to show you, children of the earth. 5. What right do they have to "build" here? Its my time now. Let me explain. You need not worry. Depending on the initial power level selected, the villain will be completing missions and gaining experience. you have doomed this land in your hubrace, and your definition of good. It's not easy to write these. A city once opposed me. Because You will not enter me, with all my need for you; because I dont give a shit. And when they got rid of Frank Underwood, they just had his replacement do it as well. In reality, you and I are in the same business. Or do you just want to hang me? This I did for curiosity. Whether you're trying to name an evil nemesis in a colourful fantasy, or a sinister killer in a naturalistic, psychological thriller, you can use our villain name generator to come up with the perfect name for your character. Youre the diet coke of evil. While both portrait and landscape printing should work, on some devices only one or the other may work well enough. There needs to be a credible reason for the villain to say it; it needs to be brief; and it needs to be done right. Peter Dinklage. Touch, but dont taste. I shall have your skull on my desk as a paperweight and wish that you still had eyes to see my victory. Or be destroyed! You will bow before me or feel the might of the Sword of Kas! Fuck this whole city and everyone in it, from the row houses of Astoria to the penthouses on Park Avenue, from the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho, from the tenements in Alphabet City to the brownstones in Park Slope to the split-levels in Staten Island, let an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash, and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat-infested place.

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villain monologue generator